Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Religion of Peace, My Eye

The next time I hear someone refer to Islam as the religion of peace, I think I'm going to scream. As lies go, it ranks right up there with Obama's "I created 3 million jobs." I'm sure each of my readers are familar with the following:
* In 1972, Islamic male extremists kidnapped and murdered 11 Israeli athletes and coaches at the Muncih Olympics.
* In 1979, the US Embassy in Tehran was seized by Muslim male extremists.
*Throughtout the decade of the 80's, several Americans were kidnapped by Muslim male extremists.
* In 1983, the US Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon were blown up by Muslim male extremists.
* In 1985, the cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, was hijacked by Muslim male extremists. A 70 year old American was murdered and tossed overboard...in his wheelchair.
* In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim male extremists.
* In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim male extremists.
* In 1998, the US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed by Muslim male extremists.
* 9/11. Again, Muslim male extremists.

Ask Daniel Pearl's family about who murdered him in 2002.

But these "men of peace" aren't satisfied with wrecking havoc around the world. They have to show the women in their lives what men they really are. Take for example the Muslim male who strangled his wife to death because she gave birth to another daughter. Or the Muslim males who forced a 15 year old girl in to prostitution. And then there's the sad tale of the woman who was raped...by a Muslim male...and was imprisoned on a charge of adultery.

Are you seeing the pattern?

Islam is not a religion of peace. It's a religion of murder. It's a religion of hatred.

I have chosen to be very leery of Muslims, because I can't look at one and tell if they are sympathetic to the extremist cause or not. Out of fear for my family's safety and my own safety, I choose to err on the side of caution. And for this, I am called a bigot. Our own government tells us to accept Islam, even embrace it, while all the while Christianity is mocked and the followers of Christ are called the extremists. Even the squatter currently residing in the White House has embraced Islam and ridicules Christianity.

Christ teaches us to love our enemies. He teaches forgiveness. But that doesn't mean we all have to join hands with the Muslims and let them run rough-shod over us.

So I will advocate racial profiling at the airport. I will remain vigilant, especially in the company of Muslims. I will embrace Christianity and follow my Savior, Jesus Christ. I will not accept the teachings of the genocidal, paranoid-schizophrenic false prophet, Mohammed. I will not follow the "deity" patterned after a pagan "moon god" known as Allah.  And if that makes me a bigot, then I'm a bigot.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Steve.

    I agree on so many levels. However, I don't want to allow myself to become over zealous in my vigilance. There are good, bad, extreme and moderate factions in every religious sect. I want to try to temper my vigilance with trust in Jesus Christ.
