Friday, January 27, 2012

And You STILL Want 4 More Years?

OK, I'll admit it. Everybody that knows me knows that I will never be the president of the Barack Hussein Obama fan club. The guy is not welcome in my home. I loathe him and everything he stands for. But, unlike the mainstream media, who bends over backwards to kiss Obama's ring and plays along when he pees on our collective backs and tells us it's raining, I won't use rhetoric to put him down. I don't need to put him down at all. He's perfectly capable of doing that himself. Why will I NOT vote for him in November? Well, besides the fact that I can't stand him, I mean.

On January 20th, 2009, there were 12 million American's out of work. Today there are roughly 13 million. And that number is growing. Oh sure, we hear how the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.2%, but is that really accurate? Not really. Unemployment benefits have run out for many Americans. So they are no longer being counted. They are still unemployed. They're just not getting benefits. And the more people whose benefits have expired, the more the "unemployment rate" drops.  Obama likes it that way. He had a perfectly good opportunity to create tens of thousands of jobs by letting that pipeline come through America, but NOOOOOOOOOO. He vetoes the project, saying more environmental impact studies need to be done. Those studies were done. Several years worth. But Obama is a poverty pimp. He wants you unemployed and broke. Oh, and by the way, the "official" unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 7.8% so even if the 8.2% rate was accurate (which it's not) it's still higher than when he took office.

For those of you who are working, how's that trip to the gas station going? On Inauguration Day, the average price for a gallon of gas was $1.85. Today it's around $3.35. And remember a couple of summers ago when we nervously watched the gas station employees change the signs as the price went well over $4.00 a gallon? And now we're being told that this summer the price may make it $5.00. I drive a beater, a 1997 Ford Escort. It's nothing to look at but it's been a solid car for me. I get around 25-30 miles a gallon. But at this rate, I'll be spending my entire paycheck on gas to get to work!

Obama is asking Congress for another hike in the national debt ceiling. He wants to spend about another trillion and a half. He wants the deficit to climb to over 16 trillion dollars. That's 16 with 12 zeroes, folks. And this from the same guy that told a bunch of kids at George Washington University on April 13th 2011 that national debt was a bad thing. Yet under his watch, the debt has grown 43%. That comes to about $48,699 for each and every American citizen. Try getting my 13 year old to come up with that kind of dough when I've never made that much a year in my life. Calm down, illegal aliens, he didn't mean you.

Democrats are losing their minds because GOP presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had the audacity to call Obama the "Food Stamp President." You know, I'm not the biggest fan of Newt either, but I'll give him this. At least he's willing to call a spade a spade. The number of American's on food stamps has risen roughly 45% under Obama's watch. So why is calling Obama the "Food Stamp President" wrong?

Americans whose yearly income puts them under the poverty line has increaded about six and half percent under the Obama regime. Did I mention he was a poverty pimp?

Oh, and then there's that little issue of our credit rating being downgraded for the first time in history...

Foreign policy? What foreign policy? His idea of foreign policy is to bow to Muslim kings and bad mouth America every chance he gets. Yet he has the nerve to take credit for taking down bin Laden. Let me tell you something folks. Bin Laden was going to go down regadless of who was in the White House, and regardless of what political party he belonged to. It was only a matter of time. The fact that Obama happened to be squatting in the White House when it happened is pure chance. The truth is, the real credit goes to the baddest mo-fo's to ever grace this planet. The heroes of Seal Team Six. Obama isn't worthy enough to spit shine those men's boots.

After all this, do you still want 4 more years? I don't. Who do I endorse? Does it matter? Who am I? I'm just your humble blogger. If it were up to me I'd probably go with Rick Santorum, the only true conservative still running. I don't see that happening, though.

I have an idea. Vote for me. Why? I have no experience, but then again neither did Obama. what do I have to offer? Not much, but I'll offer you my wish list just in case I get elected.

* Effective immediately, all foreign aid to countries who have not supported us in the war on terror is over. Done. Not another thin dime. To those countries that backed us? You have our undying appreciation. The money that we no longer spend on ungrateful wretches like Pakistan will be put to good use. See below.
* The fence gets built. Troops will man the border with orders to shoot first and ask questions never. I'll use the money I didn't spend on Pakistan to fund it. If you're a foreigner and you want in, come legally and through the front door.
*The UN is gone. No more money to them either. Let them move to Europe where butt kissing terrorists is appreciated.
* A flat tax. Everybody pays their share. I figure 9% is a good number.
*Welfare reform across the board. If you're on welfare and you keep squeezing out babies, you're cut off. I'm willing to help support you if you're trying to make things better. If you've managed a student loan to go to a community college to get an associate's degree in something worthwhile so you can get a job later, I congratulate you. I'll even get Congress to work out a sweetheart deal on repaying the student loans. But hey, work hard and try and get a scholarship or a grant because you won't be the only person we're helping.
*Privatize social security. Do you think a bunch of clowns in expensive suits who cna't balance a national budget should be in charge of your retirement? Oh, and if you're illegal and we just haven't caught up to you yet? You don't get any.
*I would work with states to create school voucher programs. Public schools are failing our kids. Why do you think Obama and Clinton sent their kids to private schools?
*You want cheaper health care? Two words: Tort reform. Look, I'm not saying that medical malpractice should go undeterred. Any one who dies because a doctor, nurse, or any other health care employee screws up is a tragedy. But do you think that getting a lawyer and suing for a bajillion dollars will bring your spouse or your kid back? Nope. Make those lawyers earn an honest wage.

I have more, but I've ranted enough.

Stop by later and she waht else I'll have in store.


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